Hello all,
Sorry for not posting a while, i wanted to do a lot , but first my gf came down with the flu and a huge cold.... and after that off-course i had to get it too , and i am still not 100% better....
A few days back i received this email which made me forget my flu/cold/headache and made me wanna jump into my shack and start to fiddle around with my bitx20 vfo again.....

I can only say one thing.... Danny , you are awesome......
As you can see , the vf0+bfo is now at a proper frequency!
I still have a tine problem to get the bandwidth (14.000 to 14.350) set correctly but i guess this is because of the coil i made (and me not having read the manual properly how to set it) . It is not the correct wire , much too thick. needed to adjust the number of winding's slightly too.
I'll do some shopping on eBay tonight to get the proper gauge... because off course ... i did not have any.... nothing near it either.... murphy's law i guess....
Again Danny, thanx for the sollution you totally made my week !!
Succes at last !!! on to the next Bitx20 battle!