Monday, July 11, 2011

Falcon OUT-250B sort of test results.

Hello all,

I did not realy test the antenna yet, but i can not keep you from the few experiences i had so far with this antenna.
As last friday evening I had some time ti sit behind the set, i scanned most of the bands.
20m was open , and i could hear stations from Brazil, Chille, Peru. This is all between 10.000 and 12.000 km from where i live. They all were very clear.
I did not get the chance to make a QSO with them due to huge pile ups caused by our Italian/Russian/Polisch/etc friends. As they all work with huge beams and at least 1Kw......

But, back from naging to the essence....
As i can swap quickly between antennas due to 2 antenna inputs on my TS-480 i could see and hear the difference very well.....
To be honest, with the falcon i could hear those stations perfectly, and i heard nothing on my wire....

The same story goes for 10m... i heard stations on the falcon where on the wire i just heard QRM.

I hope that upcomming weekend i'll be able to do some real test. If you read my blog and want to help me with tests, please drop me a msg or mail.



  1. Ik zie dat ik al eerder eens iets had geschreven over de Falcon. Omdat je in je Blog geen verdere info heb gegeven, wat ik jammer vind, mijn vraag, blijf je bij je bevindingen en gebruik je de Falcon nog?

  2. Hallo Ben,

    Om een echt eindoordeel te geven over deze antenne is verschrikkelijk moeilijk.
    Het grootste probleem is eigenlijk de diversiteit....
    hij loopt van 80 tot 6 .....
    als ik het moet samenvatten.....
    80<>40... nee... gaat hem niet worden. te weinig lengte
    20<>6 Ja, gezien alle banden waar hij het op doet, en ook redelijk tot goed doet, is dit een "goede" COMPROMIS antenne die voor iemand die weinig ruimte heeft.
    Ik ben er in ieder geval nog blij mee, en heb deze week nog Braziliƫ op 20m gewerkt.

    Ander probleem is dat dit zo'n beetje de enige antenne is die op een mast in de lucht kan staan omdat hij geen aardvlak nodig heeft.
    Ja de Diamond BB7v kan dat ook.... maar dit is dan ook de zelfde antenne (iets anders gebouwd , maar zelfde princiepen)

    Ik hoop dat dit een beetje antwoord verschaft.
    Als je nog andere vragen hebt stel ze gerust.

    73's Alex

  3. Any updates on how the Falcon is working?
    Need an antenna for multi-band WSPR QRPp.

    1. Hello Joseph,

      Sorry for taking my time to write back.... real life has gotten hold on me and free time has gotten very little...
      Hence no updates for a while on my blog :(

      Now for your your question, and my opinion that comes with it.....

      The Falcon out-250b.....
      I love my antenna.... but..... it is in no means a very good antenna.....
      As it is an antenna that works from 6m to 80m.... that's 9 bands....
      The antenna has to be tuned on all bands....
      So if you have a small house, with a small garden, and you can not place anything big... Then this is (in my humble opinion) without a doubt the best compensation based antenna out there....

      So... now about wspr....
      To me this is all about propagation research.... Done with low power to see how far people will still receive your signal...
      And then to me you should ideally do this with an antenna which is actually better for the job. like a proper dipole.

      As you want to multiple band WSPR, you do need a multi-band antenna, but i doubt that you want to do wspr on all 9 bands that the falcon has. If you, for example would pick 10/15/20, then a Fritzel GPA-30 ( would be a better choice i think. There is also a 5 band version, the GPA-50 (
      But..... like all verticals which are not too long.... 40m/60m/80m/160m is usually not that good. dipoles or deltaloops out perform them all the time...

      Well , this makes the Falcon sound a bit like a crappy antenna, but it really is not, just not for this purpose....

