I already wrote a post about the preparations not going completely as planned... but ohh well what else could happen.... Well..... I volunteered for being on call for work last week.... cause nothing ever happens.... So 20 minutes be for 12:00 UTC..... yeah you guessed it right... phone call from work....
One of the big systems was down.... So I had to log in remote, and fix it...
As I was still preparing lunch to eat just be for the start of the contest, I had to do that as well...
Total "time-damage" was somewhere between 45 and 60 minutes....

Well last years "learning point" was to start off at 10m....
And the conditions looked like this....
I forgot to grab the Saturday and Sunday conditions, but they were fairly the same. 10 meter conditions were not great at all.....
I struggled a lot to get any QSO on 10 meters. Which is a shame as this cost me a lot of multipliers.
Another learning point of last year was to get active at 80 meters.
The conditions were as stated in the chart fair , and even sunday morning I made several QSO's on 80 which I thought was a lot of fun, I even started to call CQ for a bit.
Last year due to my cheap headset, i got a lot of HF feedback in my set causing my ALC to go haywire, but this year i treated myself to a Heil Pro6 Elite.... So this worked absolutly fine! I had loads of fun on 80m
I worked (for me) quite a lot of stations as well on 15meters. This is also a band I enjoy a lot since I started to do the PACC contest. 20meters always has been on of my favorite bands, probably because my antenna (the OUT-250b) works quite well there as well. But!!! I mostly worked everything on my ZS6BKW again. This antenna works so much better , and is so HUGE... it does not fit in my back yard.... (I use part of a field behind my garden as well)
235 QSO's , and 60 Multipliers. leading up to 14100 points
This is again a yearly improvement. The results keep getting better.
I can't say I am looking forward to PACC 2017 yet.... This will need a few weeks, but i am sure that next month or so, I will be looking forward to it.
It is great fun, and it is nice to see so much activity in such a small country as the Netherlands.
One thing be for I wrap this post up....
The madness at 40 meters...... Sunday morning 40 meters becomes a too small band. All stations are literally stacked up on each other.... it's total chaos... and total fun... narrow filters on max, rf gain lower then 60% otherwise you can not hear anything!!! And exactly at 12:00 UTC..... POOF!!! Everyone is gone.... and the band is totally cleared ....
So what is there to learn for next year....
The 0 points at 160m is bugging me.... but I have no antenna for 160 meters. Also I have no idea if I can use it in my area. I am in the middle of a big city with a lot of noise on lower bands.
Also I don't know if there is any activity on 160m I would be able to work. Maybe something to look into.
So I had a lot of fun, and I was exhausted! The scores improved again so looking back at this PACC, I can only say that I am happy with how all went.... On to next year and again try to get an improvement!
P.s. Would love to see some comments on how your PACC went....
Hallo Alex, ten eerste bedankt voor het QSO. Ik moet zelf nog een verhaal schrijven maar ben ernog niet aan toe gekomen. Jouw verhaal is top. Je hebt een mooie score en veel geleerd. Ben je de hele nacht doorgegaan? Ik ken die ZS6BKW niet? Is dat een soort G5RV? Je geeft aan dat 160m moeilijk is voor je. Misschien is het interessant een loop antenne te maken. Zo een antenne kan je nl. voor 160m ook gewoon als endfed gebruiken. Misschien kan je dan wel op 160m uitkomen? Zo heb ik het ook gedaan en toch (QRP) nog wat QSO's kunnen maken. Weet natuurlijk niet hoeveel ruimte je over kan beschikken? Nou, weer genoeg stof om over na te denken voor het volgende jaar! En onthoud; de meeste punten kun je op 80m (zaterdagavond) en 40m (zondagmorgen) pakken. 73, Bas
ReplyDeleteHoi Bas, Ik moet met schaamrood om mn kaken bekennen dat ik je verkeerd gelogd heb... pe2 ipv pe4, maar dat is al gecorrigeerd.
DeleteVoor de ZS6KBW moet je eens hier kijken:
ik zal in de gaten houden wanneer je je blog update :)
En natuurlijk jij ook bedankt voor het antwworden op mijn aanroep!